content management system

A CMS With SEO Ability Will Benefit You
March 19, 2009, 7:05 pm
Filed under: 1

A CMS for your Corporate Web Site

There has been much talk about enterprise CMS and search engine optimization recently. Since search marketing and search engine optimization are now playing a larger part in the main marketing objectives for big and little companies, a little more consideration and care must be given before you decide on any such Web CMS solution.

As people today look to purchase things online or require info on a specific topic, usually the go to the Internet search engines. Never the less, recently, some businesses creating their own web sites and are adding new content with software called enterprise CMS. Some of the enterprise CMS programs available could possibly negatively affect the availability of their website in the search engine results.

Some of these solutions were not made with search engines in mind. They had been made for exactly what they were meant to accomplish: document management! That said, how can a business that has made extensive use of such a web CMS be sure that their new site will rank well in the search engines?

A few well-designed Web Content systems which kept in mind the search engines at the time they were built could possibly help out search optimization efforts by standardizing its layout, marking its content and to some extent, its layout which is essential to most search engines when evaluating how a particular page or page area should position in its rankings.

Whichever CMS you may be analyzing, make certain that none of them create their own title tags, which are most of the time off-topic. An example of this might be the coffee products manufacturer that is implementing a web content management system that writes title tags such as: page 1, page 2, page 3, etc. These are totally of no use to search engines. If the CMS program is well-designed for the search engines, it will let the user write informative and effective title tags.

This detail may seem like negligible to some people, but it is very serious info for the engines and will impact the results. An added bonus to these search engine optimization techniques is it will promote faster and simpler maintenance of the website. When buying your CMS program , make sure it is search engine friendly and you will be thankful down the road.


document management

content management system

If you would like more information on Ektron’s content management system please visit Ektron is a great way to gain full control over your web content and for an affordable CMS, you get a lot of bang for the buck.